MasimoとApple Inc. の間の法廷闘争は、最近で最も複雑で重大な企業訴訟の1つであり、人気のApple Watchの輸入禁止により、ホリデーギフトの贈答シーズンが覆い隠されています。世界最大の消費財企業が関与したこの訴訟は、特許法と知的財産法の複雑さに精通した経験豊かな法務チームが対応しました。このケースで例示されているように、訴訟プロセスでは通常、重要な詳細を見落とすという絶え間ない脅威にさらされながら、何年もかけて文書をふるいにかけ、分析を行い、交渉を行う必要があります。
私たちの最も印象的な発見は、マシモが主張する特許の有効性に異議を唱える可能性のある先行技術の組み合わせでした。'648のクレーム要素を既存の特許や製品と比較した結果、Appleにとって強力な無効抗弁となる可能性のある顕著な類似点が見つかりました。従来のデータベースを超えて探索できる我々のシステムの能力は、そうでなければ隠されていたかもしれない発見につながり、疑問が浮かび上がった。 のテクノロジーが Apple Watch の禁止を防ぎ、数十億ドルの収益損失と訴訟費用を節約できたでしょうか?「
Masimo vs Appleで主張された主張を評価するにあたり、特許の文言を分析し、その保護範囲を評価することが不可欠でした。例えば、「突起」という用語が分析の中心となったのは、その構造が、有効性と侵害性の両方にとって重要な意味で、請求の範囲に直接影響していたからです。POSITAがこの用語をどのように解釈するのかを正確かつ包括的に理解するために、私たちは自社のテクノロジーを活用して本質的な証拠をくまなく調べ、その記述が構造と機能に光を当てる事例を発見しました。このような用語の構成のもと、先行技術と被告製品の両方をプログラム的に分析し、その重要性を評価しました。
The protrusion is a physical component that is part of the noninvasive sensor housing design.
The text clearly and unambiguously states "an exemplary noninvasive sensor housing including a finger bed protrusion", directly indicating the protrusion is a physical part of the sensor housing.
The protrusion is a physical component with side and top perspective views.
The text states "side and top perspective views of an example protrusion", directly specifying the protrusion has side and top views as a 3D object.
The protrusion is a physical component that affects light transmittance.
The text states "effects of a protrusion on light transmittance", clearly establishing light transmittance as a function.
The protrusion is a physical component incorporated into the sensor design.
The text states "an example sensor incorporating the protrusion", unambiguously indicating the protrusion is incorporated into the sensor.
The protrusion conforms tissue to reduce mean path length.
The text states the "protrusion is used to thin out the measurement site" to "increase the SNR", directly linking tissue conformation to reduced path length and increased SNR.
The protrusion must have a contact area that contacts body tissue.
The text states the protrusion "includes a measurement site contact area" and that it "can contact body tissue", clearly requiring tissue contact.
The protrusion contains shielding to reduce noise.
The text states it "can include" shielding as one option but does not mandate shielding.
The protrusion is a physical component having a partially cylindrical shape.
This describes one embodiment but does not limit the protrusion only to a partially cylindrical shape. Other sections indicate it can have other shapes.
The protrusion is a physical component with a front elevation view.
This illustrates one embodiment but does not strictly require the protrusion to have a front view.
The protrusion has a convex bump shape.
While this describes one protrusion embodiment shape, other sections indicate other shapes are possible.
The protrusion includes openings on its external surface.
The text states "external surface of the protrusion can include one or more openings or windows", unambiguously requiring openings on the outer surface.
The protrusion allows positioning of photodetectors within or beneath it.
The text describes this as a possibility but does not strictly require internal photodetector positioning.
The protrusion comprises opaque material.
While some sections describe opaque material, it is not strictly required in all protrusion embodiments.
The opaque material of the protrusion extends from its convex surface to its opposite interior surface.
This describes one embodiment but does not necessarily require the full extent of opaque material.
At least a portion of the protrusion comprises opaque material.
While some embodiments specify opaque material, it is not required in all embodiments.
The protrusion comprises opaque material to prevent light piping.
The purpose of opaque material is described but not necessarily required.
Function: “Protrusion”
Conforms tissue of the measurement site
The text states the protrusion is "shaped to conform the measurement site into a flat or relatively flat surface", directly indicating tissue conformation is a function.
Provides contact surface
The text states the protrusion "includes a measurement site contact area that can contact body tissue", unambiguously requiring a tissue contact surface.
Reduces mean optical path length
The text states "the protrusion is used to thin out the measurement site" to reduce path length and increase SNR, clearly linking path length reduction to the protrusion.
Increases optical transmittance
The text states the protrusion results in "an intensity gain" and "improvements in the visible/near-infrared range" in transmittance, directly attributing increased transmittance to the protrusion.
Provides openings to pass light
The text states "openings or windows on an external surface of the protrusion", clearly requiring openings as a function.
Focuses light onto the photodetectors
Some embodiments describe light focusing properties but other embodiments do not.
Positions photodetectors
Some embodiments describe positioning detectors but it is not required in all cases.
Reduces light piping
Some embodiments describe opaque material to reduce light piping but it is not universally required.
Thermally manages emitters
While some embodiments describe heat sinks and thermal dissipation, these features are not strictly required in all cases.
Electrically shields photodetectors
Conductive shielding is described in some embodiments but not necessarily required.
1. Devices that have the recited protrusion, which has:
a convex surface, at least a portion of the protrusion comprising an opaque material; and
a plurality of openings provided through the protrusion and the convex surface, the openings aligned with the photodiodes.
2. Devices that have multiple LEDs and photodiodes to leverage different wavelengths (for accuracy’s sake):
a first set of light emitting diodes (LEDs), the first set comprising at least an LED configured to emit light at a first wavelength and at least an LED configured to emit light at a second wavelength;
a second set of LEDs spaced apart from the first set of LEDs, the second set of LEDs comprising an LED configured to emit light at the first wavelength and an LED configured to emit light at the second wavelength; and
four photodiodes.
3. Devices that have the recited window, specifically:
a separate optically transparent window extending across each of the openings.
Figure 8-3: Redesigned sensor band. Protects optical components from direct contact with skin and hides wires from outside environment.
Shaltis (2004)
overlap with '648 · Claims 8 & 12
Claim 8: Protrusion with convex surface and aligned openings
Claim 12: Oxygen saturation measurement
Demonstrates a device design with an opaque surface and photodiode alignment, pertinent to '648's claims of protrusion design and noise reduction due to opaque material. Aligns with the concept of light emission and reception in '648.
Figure 4-4: (a.) For the reflectance illumination method, movement of the photodetector relative (position 1 to position 2) to the LED leads to a photon path that no longer contains the digital artery. (b.) For the transmittance illumination method, movement of the photodetector relative to the LED still contains photon paths that pass through the digital artery.
Shaltis (2004)
overlap with '648 · Claims 8 & 12
Claim 8: Multiple photodiodes; Protrusion design
Claim 12: Oxygen saturation measurement
Shows configurations of multiple photodiodes and a protrusion for tissue thickness adjustment.
Figure 4-7: The schematic of a locally pressurized sensor band.
Shaltis (2004)
overlap with '648 · Claims 8 & 12
Claim 8: Multiple photodiodes; Protrusion design
Claim 12: Oxygen saturation measurement
Shows configurations of multiple photodiodes and a protrusion for tissue thickness adjustment.
Features glass windows separating light sources from sensors, relevant to '648's claims on window design for photodiode protection and accurate light transmission.
Figure 8-3: Redesigned sensor band. Protects optical components from direct contact with skin and hides wires from outside environment.
Shaltis (2004)
overlap with '648 · Claims 8 & 12
Claim 8: Transparent window design
Claim 12: Oxygen saturation measurement
Illustrates a transparent window covering the photodiode, relevant to '648's claims on window design to prevent direct tissue contact and reduce noise interference in measurements.